Residents of Dorais Way (at the north bridge to Redstone) have illegally gated and blocked public access to the 135-year-old historic public route along the Crystal. By doing this they have denied the public’s access to Pitkin County Open Space’s Filoha Meadows Nature Preserve. CVEPA has supported Pitkin County’s lawsuit against the homeowners’ actions. We await the District Court’s decision which is imminent.
At the lowest end of the Valley, another landowner has continually thwarted overdue safety improvements to the public river access at the historic Satank Bridge. The landowner continues to harass the public while claiming ownership of the property, despite an injunction that forbids her from interfering. CVEPA embarked on a letter writing campaign, engaged RFTA (the public land manager), met with the county commissioner, attended virtual meetings and has received a promise that the unsafe access will be improved in summer of 2020.
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PO Box 921
Carbondale, CO 81623